Ready to join the fun?
The most efficient way to be for Check-In Day is to pre-register! It will be to your benefit to fill out as much paperwork as possible ahead of time. Check-In Day at Camp Heritage is Tuesday from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM.
Primarily, our registrations happen through our online registration software, UltraCamp. While it is not necessary to register online, it makes things convenient both for you and for our office staff. Choose the way you want to register.
Online Registration for Summer Camp 2025 Will Open April 1, 2025!
What You Need to Know About Online Registration
You will need:
- An active email address
- For any deposits or payment, you may pay by credit card, debit card, e-check or sponsorship code. Sponsorship codes are generally given out by churches that are offering partial or full sponsorships to campers. NO REQUIRED FEES ARE DUE DURING ONLINE REGISTRATION.
You will want to have:
- Contact information of a person, other than parents, who can be contacted in case of emergency
- Names and contact info of people who you authorize to pick up your camper at the end of the camp session.
- Your camper’s top five activity choices.
- The names of any other campers with whom your camper would like to share a cabin.
- The names of any other campers with whom your camper would like to share activities
- The date of your camper’s most recent tetanus shot.
(If you register online, you DO NOT need to submit a paper application form.)
2024 Activity Options
- Archery
- Basketball-Recreational
- Boat Rides/Tubing
- Canoeing/Kayaking
- Ceramics
- Christian Acting
- Crafts
- Disc Golf
- Fishing
- For Girls Only (Teen Camp Only)
- Gymnastics
- Horsemanship
- Lego Robotics
- Model Rocketry
- Nature & Outdoor Skills
- Puppetry
- Rock Climbing
- Swimming Lessons-Level 1
- Swimming Lessons-Level 2
- Swimming Lessons-Level 3
- Swimming-Recreational
- Wake Board/Knee Board/Water Ski/Wake Surf
- Worship Leading (Not Cub Camp)